Heather Zimmer
Client Intake Specialist & Processing Specialist
Heather Zimmer was born and raised in Evansville, Indiana. She attended Evansville Central High School before attending the University of Southern Indiana to pursue a degree in Criminal Justice. Back then, Heather had the hope of one day becoming a crime scene investigator. However, as often happens in life, plans evolve. Heather began working in the administrative arena and discovered that she loved learning how businesses run and helping others to achieve their business goals. This ultimately led her to specialize in paralegal studies. A few months after graduating from college, she began working for a local law firm as a court runner and quickly learned her way around the courthouse and every law firm in Evansville! Heather has extensive experience handling family law cases and a passion for working on CHINS and adoption matters. As a single mom who has been through difficult times herself, she is highly compassionate and understands the high stakes nature of the issues that clients face in their family law cases, as well as the inherent emotions and struggles that are to be expected. She takes pride in being a paralegal whom clients can talk to, relate to, and trust. Someone once told her that she “must be crazy” to love family law, but she feels that God put her where she belongs to do important work serving others who now stand where she once stood.
Heather is the mother of two very active children. She is deeply entrenched in the world of professional dance, specifically jazz and hip hop, and has danced at the collegiate level. (Rumor has it she is currently teaching tumbling for a studio owner that was featured on the hit show “Dance Moms” and that Heather once auditioned for a job with MTV alongside one of Prince’s backup dancers!) When she is not at a sporting event, Heather enjoys traveling to her “home away from home,” Panama City Beach, finding the closest Yankee’s baseball game or fishing with her children.
Contact Heather Zimmer today!